News - LGC will support development of innovative assay for novel wearable sensor to monitor stress marker cortisol
14 September 2017News - Aims to build on outputs from recently completed LGC-led European metrology projects
31 August 2017News - Accepted as a European Reference Material following peer-review, with homogeneity and short term stability studies carried out
27 July 2017News - LINK Technologies is a premier supplier of speciality reagents for oligonucleotide synthesis
19 July 2017News - Recognition for expertise and reputation in this field
18 July 2017News - Dr. Ehrenstorfer range includes growing number of reference standards manufactured under ISO Guide 34 scope of accreditation
13 July 2017News - The three day event was attended by over 30 experts representing 19 EU member states and other countries as far afield as Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil
13 July 2017News - World-renowned range of proficiency testing schemes now available via web shop
06 July 2017News - Next generation liquid dispensing system integrates with existing SNPline automation or other Meridian instruments
05 July 2017News - Hub will address manufacturing, business and regulatory challenges to ensure new targeted biological medicines can be developed quickly
20 June 2017