July 2017

LGC scientist invited to join IUPAC task group on nanomaterials

Science Fellow Heidi Goenaga Infante, Principal Scientist & Team Leader of the Inorganic Analysis Team, has been invited by the Analytical Chemistry division of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) to join a task group that will participate in a collaborative project on the topic of ‘Analytical Chemistry of Nanomaterials’.

Nanomaterials are playing an ever-increasing role in our lives, including in medical and food products. Accurate and effective characterisation is required to understand how these novel nanomaterials can be used and what health and safety implications there might be. A crucial component of nanomaterial characterisation is through chemical analysis: e.g. purification, quantification and analysis of nanomaterial composition in complex environmental, biological and food samples.

This new IUPAC task group, made up of international experts in the field, will critically evaluate the current sampling and analysis methods and standardised protocols available. This will be done for the characterisation and quantification of nanomaterials both as unique products and as components in different types of samples.

Heidi’s recommendation for and subsequent invitation to this task group recognises her expertise and LGC’s reputation in this field.