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LGC acquires Douglas Scientific to expand its high-throughput PCR platform offering

News - LGC announces that it has acquired a majority stake in Douglas Scientific

06 April 2016
LGC acquires Biosearch Technologies and extends its expertise in the qPCR market

News - Acquisition enables enlarged Genomics division to deliver unique product and laboratory services offering for core qPCR and end point PCR applications

15 April 2015
Food chain resilience in a changing world

Blog - A few weeks ago, we were joined by experts and industry leaders at our biennial Government Chemist Conference, and this year’s theme was ‘Food chain resilience in a changing world’. Attendees were treated to a variety of presentations about food chain resilience from Food Standards Agency, Public Health England, the European Commission’s Joint Research Council, Cambridge University, and many others.

04 July 2018
Revolutionising cancer treatment one Array at a time

Blog - Pharmacogenetics, or the study of how people respond differently to medicines due to their genetics, is making a splash lately thanks to companies like Minneapolis, MN-based OneOme, which co-developed its RightMed test with Mayo Clinic

11 July 2018
Peanut allergen quantification: a tough nut to crack

Blog - Peanut allergy is the most common cause of fatal food allergy reaction. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies peanut proteins as something harmful. The fear of accidental exposure in food reduces the quality of life of peanut allergy sufferers and severely limits the social habits of allergic individuals, their families and even their friends.

18 July 2018
Meridian2 delivers high throughput liquid handling for PCR

News - Next generation liquid dispensing system integrates with existing SNPline automation or other Meridian instruments

05 July 2017
Hydrocycler2 delivers high throughput thermal cycling for PCR

News - Innovative genomics solution addresses issues of increasing throughput and achieving high data quality

16 January 2017
Horizon Discovery and LGC awarded Technology Strategy Board grant to develop standardization for next generation cancer diagnostics

News - Project funds research and development of novel reference materials to serve clinical diagnostics

16 June 2014
We have just completed one Billion KASP genotyping PCRs!

News - Winners of our Billionth PCR competition include groups from all over the world.

08 April 2014
LGC a key player in industry-influencing PCR guidelines

News - MIQE guidelines help transparency and reporting of technical details necessary for high-quality, reproducible results

28 November 2013