LGC’s SARS-CoV-2 ultra-high throughput End-Point PCR test EUA authorised by FDA

News (ZH) - Nexar™-based workflow enables simple, scalable, and cost-effective COVID-19 testing

Successful completion of leading TNAC's new home at Oxford Technology Park

News (ZH) - Purpose-built R and D and manufacturing facility will be a vital hub for LGC

World Health Day – NML’s measurement work for health

博客 - The National Measurement Laboratory at LGC strives to address measurement challenges that affect society, including health

LGC acquires Rapid Genomics, bolstering its position in the application of NGS for high-throughput genotyping market in AgBio

News (ZH) - Rapid Genomics is a leading company in genotyping applications via Next-Generation Sequencing

Government Chemist team contributes to food allergen guidance

News (ZH) - Collaboration to develop quantitative risk assessment guidance for food allergens

International Women's Day 2022

博客 - Over the last few weeks, we have shared videos from the women of LGC describing what and who inspires them, as well as their words of encouragement to other young women pursuing careers in science.

Significant scientific papers highlight increasing complexity of honey authentication

News (ZH) - Government Chemist team has papers published highlighting increasing complexity of honey authentication

World Cancer Day 2022

博客 - Aristea Anna Leventi is currently completing a PhD between the University of Strathclyde and the National Measurement Laboratory on quantitative bioimaging for cancer diagnostics and biomarker detection.

Government Chemist contribution recognised as ACMD publishes advice on consumer CBD products

News (ZH) - Contributed to advice from Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs

LGC's site in Berlin wins "most family-friendly workplace" award

News (ZH) - Second successive year that we have been awarded the most family-friendly / work-life-balance-oriented employer in the southeast area of Berlin