七月 2018

LGC scientist presents in webinar on heavy metals analysis in food

Sarah Hill, Science Leader in LGC's Inorganic Analysis team, is participating in a webinar today (18 July) to discuss modern analytical approaches to trace elemental analysis in food matrices.

The webinar will be held twice (10.00 BST and again at 10.00 EDT (18.00 BST)) and is designed for anyone with an interest in food analysis, analysis of contaminants or heavy metal analysis.

Sarah will be speaking alongside Bert Popping, FOCOS, and Matthew Cassap, ThermoFisher Scientific, and will cover the use of inorganic mass spectrometry, specifically ICP-MS, as a tool for the accurate analysis of heavy metals in food and food-products. It will feature the analytical challenges and potential issues that can arise as well as highlighting the application of speciation measurements for food products.

To register, click here.

A recording of the webinar will also be available after the event. The webinar is sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific and hosted by Separation Science.