News - Investigations require early realisation that samples of the food and/or stomach contents from a post mortem examination should be retained and analysed and the supply chain must be rigorously examined
18 December 2014News - Formalised distribution agreement across Europe, the Middle East and Africa
15 December 2014News - Reliable proficiency testing supports external quality assurance in the U.S. food, beverage, animal feed, and pharma industries
09 December 2014News - LGC’s partnership with ATCC® gives scientists throughout Europe efficient access to ATCC’s biological resources.
20 November 2014News - Glycine reference material benefits food & drug testing labs and research labs in the field of biogeochemistry
12 November 2014News - LGC’s presentations will showcase scientific excellence through research and results covering the topics of supercharging reagents, development of robust cortisol assays, carryover in the immunoassay laboratory and ultrasensitivity immunoassays
10 November 2014News - 110,000 wet lab-validated KASP™ Assays made available through new, online KASP assay search tool
06 October 2014News - Underlines why food allergens must remain priority
15 September 2014News - Article in journal of the Institute of Food Science and Technology also reviews allergen non-compliance cases in UK courts
01 September 2014News - Supplements-testing programme has support of Australian Institute for Sport
22 July 2014