News - Strategic cooperation for application of KASP™ and SNPLine™ in developing world-leading rice molecular breeding platform
25 March 2015News - New assay library for tomato genotyping launched
25 March 2015News - LGC's Government Chemist team recently responded to the Food Standards Agency review on how food standards work is delivered across England, Wales and Northern Ireland
31 December 2018News - Renowned chemists Michael Walker and Professor Duncan Thorburn Burns published new research on the life of World War I chemist Gordon Wickham Monier-Williams, famous for his food testing methods
17 July 2018News - The biennial Government Chemist conference will take place on 13- 14 June at BMA House and will provide an opportunity for regulators, policy makers, enforcement agencies, manufacturers, scientists and academia to discuss and learn about challenges affecting the security of the food chain
23 March 2018News - The Government Chemist team and the Association of Public Analysts Educational Trust organise an annual RSC-approved, fully residential week long postgraduate course on the analysis and examination of food and feed
21 February 2018News - The Government Chemist Annual Review provides highlights from the referee cases, advisory work and research carried out during the year
18 September 2017News - The three day event was attended by over 30 experts representing 19 EU member states and other countries as far afield as Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil
13 July 2017News - Michael Walker, of the Government Chemist Programme in LGC, delivered a keynote talk ‘Food detectives: what it takes to trace food fraud’
06 February 2017News - The article covers our leading government research in developing and validating methods and approaches for food authenticity, adulteration, quality and safety testing
22 December 2016