四月 2016

SMETA membership keeps LGC ethical

Following a recent Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA), LGC is delighted to have been awarded Responsible Sourcing status for its Standards division in Germany.

Sedex is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to improving responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains. Its central database eases the burden on suppliers facing multiple audits, questionnaires and certifications and helps drive improvements in the ethical performance of global supply chains.

Speaking about the award, Hans-Christian Schumacher, Managing Director of LGC’s Standards division in Wesel said, “We take great pride in having our Responsible Sourcing status confirmed and are particularly pleased that our customers appreciate our Ethical Trading Initiative. 

“With access to a secure, online database which allows us to store, share and report on information in the four key areas of labour standards (including working standards, contracted hours, adherence to minimum wage, existence of Worker Committees), health and safety matters (such as number of registered first-aiders, LGC’s recognised accreditations – including ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 34, ISO 17043), care for the environment (we are fully compliant with all local and national laws related to environmental standards, and are continually cutting down on use of electricity and gas as well as the amount of waste we produce) and business ethics, the Sedex system provides an efficient and cost-effective way of sharing ethical information with many customers simultaneously.”

The thorough audit consisted of more than twenty employees (including agency workers) across different departments being selected randomly for interviews. All interviewed employees expressed a positive attitude towards LGC and its management.

With members in over 150 countries, Sedex is the largest collaborative platform for sharing ethical supply chain data, helping reduce risk and improve supply chain practices.