二月 2020

LGC employing AccuPlex™ technology to develop quality control solutions in response to the coronavirus global health emergency

In response to the global health emergency caused by the recent outbreak of coronavirus strain 2019-nCoV,  LGC’s SeraCare Life Sciences, a manufacturer and leading partner to global in vitro diagnostic manufacturers and clinical laboratories, is announcing the development of molecular reference materials for coronavirus utilising their proprietary AccuPlex™ recombinant technology.  The control material is being produced in collaboration with several diagnostic manufacturers to support development, evaluation, and validation of molecular test methods directed to 2019-nCoV. 

AccuPlex reference materials, while mimicking wild-type pathogenic viruses, are safe, non-infectious, and replication-deficient. They serve as true, full-process, quality control solutions that challenge the entire diagnostic workflow, making them a valuable alternative to infectious materials.

Greg Ballish, Senior Vice President of Commercial, stated: “SeraCare Life Sciences has successfully employed AccuPlex technology in response to other recent infectious disease outbreaks, including Zika and Ebola virus. We are now working with our partners in the diagnostic industry to expedite production of similar quality control solutions to ensure appropriate validation of newly developed 2019-nCoV assays, consistency during patient testing events, and in support of proper virus identification and containment efforts.   We will continue to provide updates on its development and support activities related to the coronavirus health emergency.”