National Measurement Laboratory team awarded £2.25m ISCF funding
We are delighted to announce that the UK's Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund has awarded the National Measurement Laboratory (NML) at LGC £2.25m to support the manufacture of future medicines through better measurement.
The UK has seen unprecedented health outcomes and life expectancy gains over the last 30 years based on sound medicinal improvements.. Recent advances are set to see this trend continue through the development of a host of new types of medicines. However, these future medicines require a change to traditional industrial strategies, posing new challenges in terms of guaranteeing consistency of manufacture to ensure their safety. Such novel manufacturing methods will rely, of course, on the accurate measurement, characterisation and behaviour of these medicines, both in process at their place of manufacture and in our bodies.
The ‘Measurement for Future Medicines’ project will further establish the NML’s state-of-the-art capabilities and promote best measurement practice in manufacturing and pre-clinical/clinical settings to enable the accurate and reproducible manufacture of future medicines.
This work builds on the NML measurement expertise in the areas of oligonucleotides, biopharmaceuticals, cell-based therapies, nanomedicines and single cell and tissue imaging. Through close collaborations with regulators, Centres of Excellence, industrial and academic partners, this project will help underpin productivity gains and innovation improvements in this area. It will ensure the UK maintains its world-leading position within the future medicines field and continues to drive international best practice, ultimately leading to greater confidence in the safety of future medicines for patients.