十二月 2016

Informed-Choice launches in Japan with DNS and Biohealth Research

LGC has launched its supplements testing programme Informed-Choice into Japan with the support of leading sports nutrition brand DNS and auditing specialists Biohealth Research.

Informed-Choice is a quality assurance certification program for the sports nutrition industry. All supplements products that carry the Informed-Choice logo have been tested for substances banned in sport by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) at LGC’s world-class anti-doping laboratories.
DNS has shown its significant commitment to clean sport by certifying 22 products on to Informed-Choice, while Biohealth Research will support other Japanese brands and manufactures in becoming certified on the globally-recognised programme.

The announcement was made today at a jointly-held press conference in the Tokyo International Forum, the venue for weightlifting at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.

“The Japanese sports nutrition industry has been seeking an anti-doping programme that properly meets its needs for several years now, and Informed-Choice allows brands to provide products that have undergone a rigorous manufacturing audit and are also tested on a monthly basis,” said Terence O’Rorke, Director of Business Development for LGC’s supplements service.

“We are delighted that DNS has shown such a significant commitment to providing quality, tested products for Japanese athletes and consumers, while Biohealth’s auditing expertise in Japan will be critical in assisting other brands to join DNS on the programme.”

Research has shown that contaminated supplements remain a risk to athletes and sports across the world, and DNS’s focus on providing quality tested products has helped introduced a more rigorous and transparent level of testing in Japan.

Biohealth Research will provide the auditing expertise required for other Japanese brands to certify products on Informed-Choice, as well as the management of samples to be tested at LGC’s specialist anti-doping laboratory in the UK.

Informed-Choice was set up by LGC in 2007. For a product to become certified it must pass a strict manufacturing audit and have five samples tested for substances banned in sport by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Once certified, the product is tested once per month under ‘blind’ conditions, which involves LGC purchasing the product and performing analysis without the direct involvement of the brand.
Currently there are more than 630 products certified across Informed-Choice and its sister programme Informed-Sport.

国際的ライフサイエンス機関である英国LGC社 は、同機関のスポーツサプリメント認証プログラムInformed-Choice (インフォームドチョイス) に基づくサプリメント製品の分析及び認証を日本で開始しました。食品及び健康食品関連やGMP導入のコンサルテーション業務等を手掛けるバイオヘルスリサーチ・リミテッド社の協力のもと、本プログラムを日本へ導入し、初めて認証を受けたのは、株式会社ドーム(本社:東京都江東区 代表取締役CEO:安田 秀一)が展開する多くのトップアスリートが愛飲しているスポーツサプリメントブランド DNS(ディーエヌエス)です。
Informed-Choiceはサプリメントメーカーに対し、厳密な品質保証基準に基づいて認証を与えるプログラムです。Informed-Choiceのロゴを有するすべてのサプリメント製品は、世界的権威を誇るアンチドーピング研究所を有するLGC社が、世界アンチドーピング機関(World Anti-Doping Agency: WADA)が定める禁止物質が含まれていないこと確認した上で、安全性を認証します。
テレンス・オーロック氏(Mr. Terence O’Rorke:LGC社サプリメントサービス部門ビジネスデベロップメントディレクター)は、「日本のスポーツサプリメント業界は、アンチドーピングに対する適切なプログラムの導入を何年にもわたり望んできた。そして今、製造工場の厳密な監査と毎月の製品試験を伴うInformed-Choiceを日本へ導入したことで、夢がかなった」と述べました。