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LGC Maine Standards announces release of VALIDATE® HEPARIN calibration verification / linearity test kit for IL ACL TOP® 500 hemostasis test systems

News (ZH) - Addresses growing demand by labs in need of a product to document coagulation calibration verification / linearity testing

LGC Maine Standards announces release of VALIDATE® D-Dimer calibration verification / linearity test kit for Stago STA-R® Evolution analyzers

News (ZH) - Addresses growing demand by laboratories in need of a product to document calibration verification / linearity testing.

LGC announces addition of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) to VALIDATE® SP2 calibration verification / linearity test kit

News (ZH) - Addresses growing demand by laboratories for a product to document calibration verification / linearity of their testing system

LGC contributes to new ISO standard for reference material production

News (ZH) - NMI team instrumental in two-year process


News (ZH) - Tumor Markers and Whole Blood Glucose address growing demandto document calibration verification / linearity of testing systems

LGC scientists validate Horizon cell-free DNA reference standards

News (ZH) - Shows expertise in dPCR and measurement science

LGC secures exclusive worldwide distributor deal for specialist marine biotoxins

News (ZH) - LGC becomes exclusive worldwide distributor of CIFGA’s specialist marine biotoxin standards and reference materials.

ATCC to provide Proficiency Testing programs through partnership with LGC

News (ZH) - Reliable proficiency testing supports external quality assurance in the U.S. food, beverage, animal feed, and pharma industries

Novel reference method developed for the quantification of proteins in a complex matrix

News (ZH) - Novel method for quantifying human growth hormone in serum furthers LGC's status as a leading NMI in protein quantification

LGC acquires Dr Ehrenstorfer, the world’s leading producer of pesticide and other organic reference materials

News (ZH) - Dr Ehrenstorfer is the world’s leading producer of pesticide and other organic reference materials