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LGC and customers expediting coronavirus diagnostic solutions

News (ZH) - Working closely with customers to ensure mission-critical oligo chemistries, controls and components for detection kits are available where and when necessary

Bolstering COVID diagnostics and research by reducing risks of contamination

博客 - We support scientists on the front line of human healthcare with our custom manufacturing of components for (q)PCR- and NGS-based diagnostics.

New £1.3 million national research programme to evaluate coronavirus tests in hospitals, GP surgeries and care homes

News (ZH) - Research programme brings together experts who are highly experienced in evaluating diagnostic tests and generating robust evidence required for a test to be used in the NHS

LGC’s high-throughput PCR testing system for SARS-CoV-2 detection granted Emergency Use Authorisation

News (ZH) - Authorisation enables qualified laboratories to address SARS-CoV-2 testing demands while providing significant economic advantage when compared to other technologies

LGC’s ultra-high throughput Nexar™ technology provides significant PCR testing capacity at Rosalind Franklin Laboratory

News (ZH) - Ultra-high throughput technology enables large-scale PCR testing in reposnse to global pandemic

LGC acquires Rapid Genomics, bolstering its position in the application of NGS for high-throughput genotyping market in AgBio

News (ZH) - Rapid Genomics is a leading company in genotyping applications via Next-Generation Sequencing