Svetlana, R&D Scientist
I started to work at Lucigen 10 years ago as an intern, after obtaining my Associated Degree at Madison Technical College. During these years I have been able to work in different departments on multiple cutting-edge projects. I also obtained my Master’s Degree from the University of Wisconsin and joined the R&D team.
What has been your proudest moment at LGC?
I am proud that I can work on very challenging projects that require high precision. I am constantly working on improving my skills. I am proud to be able to complete my assigned projects on time and to meet the high standards that are set by our leadership team.
What do you enjoy about working at LGC?
The friendly atmosphere and opportunity to work with smart and professional people. I like being a part of a team that makes a difference. I enjoy working with new technology and sharing new ideas.
"I like working at LGC because it is a global company - I am working with scientists from all over the world. I have always wanted to be part of a team that shares ideas and solves problems on a global scale."