Jessica, Director of Product Development - Biochemistry
What does your role at LGC entail?
As the Director Product Development I work with product management and the project coordinator to ensure all projects in the pipeline are prioritized and resources are allocated to meet those needs. I oversee Product Support, VALIDATE Customs and NPD for VALIDATE and Serology. My focus is to research and develop new products for commercial sale that exceed our customers' expectations. I manage the assignment of projects to lead scientists and help oversee the training of new employees, while mentoring the senior staff in their roles.
What do you most enjoy about your role?
My passion for design and management of scientific experiments for new products, is a challenging but enjoyable role. I love digging into product support issues with my senior scientists and figuring out the issue. My true passion is mentoring my staff and supporting them in their growth and career plans.
What has been your proudest moment at LGC?
I have two proudest moments at LGC. The first was when our brand new technician was selected to present a poster at our 175th anniversary celebration and how happy and confident this made her in her work. The second was when two of our R&D teams were finalists in the year end awards last May 2018.
"Flexible working hours have been critical to my work at LGC, plus the subsequent support from senior management. It has allowed me to ensure a work life balance that lets me enjoy my young son’s life while still getting my job done. As someone suffering from health-related issues, the flexibility and understanding has also allowed me to continue working with my team."