Heiko, Head of R&D NAP
What does your role at LGC entail?
My role entails leading a team of great scientist to develop Nucleic Acid purification/extraction chemistry and help to bring new products to market
What do you enjoy most about your role?
It is fun to tackle an issue and find ways to solve the problems with sometimes creative ways. Research and Development gives us the opportunity to really test new things out and even the most crazy idea might lead to success. It allows us to think out of the box. I still feel that I am very privileged to follow my passion and even get paid for it.
What has been your proudest moment at LGC?
I am super proud of my team (and the teams of Alexandria and Middleton), which stepped up and produced the sbeadex viral RNA Kit in record time, as well as supporting to repurpose our instruments for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. They went the extra mile and seeing that we now participate in testing of millions of people with our chemistry and products, shows that we are making a huge difference. How cool is that!