October 2017

LGC's Jim Huggett named Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Jim Huggett, Principal Scientist (Nucleic Acid Research) in LGC's Health Science and Innovation Division and Senior Lecturer in Analytical Microbiology at the University of Surrey, has been made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (FRCP (Edin)).
Jim has been awarded this Fellowship in recognition of the medical focus of the research he and his team have conducted on the development and standardisation of molecular diagnostics. The field of metrology (the science of measurement), although well-established in physics and chemistry, is still in its infancy in molecular biology. The lack of established measurement systems to support the standardisation of molecular measurements is one of the primary reasons for the poor clinical uptake of potentially powerful techniques. Jim has dedicated his career to highlighting the diagnostic potential of advanced molecular tests and improving the reproducibility and standardisation of established approaches.     
Jim received his doctorate in Molecular Biology from Cardiff University. He has authored more than 70 peer-reviewed publications, has edited and contributed to multiple books, and is currently Managing Editor of the Elsevier Journal Biomolecular Detection and Quantification (BDQ).
Formed in 1681 the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh helps to develop standards of medical care and training, and influences health policy. It has a strong UK and international presence with over 12,000 Fellows and Members in over 90 countries, covering 54 medical specialties and interests.