Government Chemist Annual Review 2015 now available
The Government Chemist Annual Review provides highlights from the referee cases, advisory work and research carried out during the year, including:
- meat speciation – determining the provenance of meat in takeaway restaurant dishes
- illegal dyes in oils – resolving a dispute involving the illegal dye Sudan IV in palm oil.
- aflatoxins in nuts – evaluating the levels of these toxins in nuts and nut products in referee cases
- allergens in spices – developing methods to determine the presence of undeclared almond in cumin and paprika
- jelly cups – assessing the safety of a product that has previously been identified as a choking hazard
- nanomaterials – developing novel capability for nanoparticle analysis
In addition, the Review outlines our horizon scanning activities which include consultation responses and legislation updates.
To download the Annual Review please click here.
LGC hosts the unique function of the ‘Government Chemist’, providing expert opinion, based on independent measurement to help avoid or resolve disputes pertaining predominantly to food and agriculture, and advice to Government, devolved administrations and the wider community dependent on analytical science.