十月 2014

New search tool gives online access to 110,000 SNP genotyping assays

LGC has launched 110,000 new wet lab-validated KASP™ Genotyping Assays, which have been made available exclusively through its new, online KASP assay search tool.

In the past decade LGC has run over a billion KASP genotyping PCR reactions in its service labs across the world. A central part of this work has been the validation of assays targeting hundreds of thousands of SNPs and other genetic variations causing, or contributing to, human diseases.

Joris Parmentier, LGC’s Product Manager, Genomics, said, “Today we are making available 110,000 validated KASP assays through our new KASP assay search tool. The tool allows easy searching and ordering of KASP Genotyping Assays that help scientists to further understand a wide variety of disease areas including cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory and infectious. In keeping with LGC’s vision of ‘science for a safer world’ we plan to add new batches of assays over time, covering not just genetic variation in humans but variation in plant and animal genomes too”.

The assays can be run on most qPCR instruments and are supported by a world-class scientific team. KASP genotyping is the benchmark for data quality, flexibility and cost efficiency, with 2,000 papers published by LGC customers.

The search tool shows results containing full details of the assays, including RS ID, gene name, chromosome location of the polymorphism and reference DNA sequence.