February 2020

LGC expedites access to its core technology to support a rapid response to the coronavirus global health emergency

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the coronavirus epidemic is now a global health emergency.  As the virus spreads globally, LGC, Biosearch Technologies is supporting efforts to contain it by expediting availability of mission-critical oligo chemistries, controls and components that deliver 2019-nCov coronavirus detection kits at scale.

As the inventor of specific chemistries, such as Black Hole and Blackberry Quenchers (BHQ and BBQ) and other critical dyes and components used in diagnostic kits, Biosearch Technologies is partnering with a number of organisations to expedite supply of materials.

Mark Dearden, VP of Strategy and Marketing at LGC, Biosearch Technologies, said, “The published[i] primer and probe sequences recommended for diagnosis cite the use of technology invented by LGC, including BHQ and BBQ. We are therefore ensuring that we expedite availability of our chemistries to support efforts in diagnosis, surveillance and research into 2019-nCov.”

LGC, which has previously provided detection solutions for viruses including influenza, H1N1 (swine flu), Zika, and Ebola, will continue to work with its customers and various stakeholders to ensure demand for chemistries and controls is met.

LGC, through its Biosearch Technologies and SeraCare portfolios, will continue to provide information to customers and industry over the coming days.

[i] https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/method-niid-20200123-2.pdf?sfvrsn=fbf75320_7
