Resolution of a disputed albendazole result in the UK Official Control System highlights need for further guidance?
News (ZH) - Scientists in the Government Chemist team within LGC have published the outcome of a technical appeal against the exclusion of a consignment of Brazilian corned beef from the UK food chain
LGC scientist invited on to IAEA Working Groups for Stable Isotope Reference Products
News (ZH) - Presented work developing our current and future reference materials certified for absolute carbon isotope ratios
LGC receives first UK delivery of Agilent 8900 inorganic mass spectrometry instrument
News (ZH) - State-of-the-art technology combines quadrupole separation with ICP-QQQ-MS
LGC and Q2 Solutions announce global bioanalytical strategic partnership
News (ZH) - Will each contribute extensive experience and capabilities in small and large molecule bioanalysis to support customer-centric approach