News - The Government Chemist Annual Review provides highlights from the referee cases, advisory work and research carried out during the year.
11 September 2018News - LGC announced today that Dr Julian Braybrook has been appointed the UK Government Chemist. He replaces Dr Derek Craston, who completed two terms of five years each in this Office.
01 June 2018News - Changes will come into force on 20 May 2019.
15 November 2018News - Working on the specialised recovery and identification of soldiers who fell at the Battle of Fromelles
28 June 2010News - LGC publishes review on definitive approaches for the authentication of supplement with a risk of serious adulteration
13 February 2018News - LGC's Government Chemist team invited to contribute to special edition on food allergen analysis in highly respected journal
06 December 2017News - Government Chemist Programme and expert colleagues address challenges facing food allergen measurements
27 April 2016News - Underlines why food allergens must remain priority
15 September 2014News - Article in journal of the Institute of Food Science and Technology also reviews allergen non-compliance cases in UK courts
01 September 2014News - LGC's Government Chemist team recently responded to the Food Standards Agency review on how food standards work is delivered across England, Wales and Northern Ireland
31 December 2018