News (ZH) - Investigations require early realisation that samples of the food and/or stomach contents from a post mortem examination should be retained and analysed and the supply chain must be rigorously examined
News (ZH) - Formalised distribution agreement across Europe, the Middle East and Africa
News (ZH) - Reliable proficiency testing supports external quality assurance in the U.S. food, beverage, animal feed, and pharma industries
News (ZH) - LGC’s partnership with ATCC® gives scientists throughout Europe efficient access to ATCC’s biological resources.
News (ZH) - Glycine reference material benefits food & drug testing labs and research labs in the field of biogeochemistry
News (ZH) - LGC’s presentations will showcase scientific excellence through research and results covering the topics of supercharging reagents, development of robust cortisol assays, carryover in the immunoassay laboratory and ultrasensitivity immunoassays
News (ZH) - 110,000 wet lab-validated KASP™ Assays made available through new, online KASP assay search tool
News (ZH) - Underlines why food allergens must remain priority
News (ZH) - Article in journal of the Institute of Food Science and Technology also reviews allergen non-compliance cases in UK courts
News (ZH) - Supplements-testing programme has support of Australian Institute for Sport