News - Produced under accreditation to ISO Guide 34 as a Reference Material Producer
30 March 2017News - Addresses growing demand by labs in need of a product to document coagulation calibration verification / linearity testing
24 March 2017News - Making scientific innovation an intrinsic part of delivering a world-class NHS
17 March 2017News - Wide range of work presented in Austria
09 March 2017News - Designated Institute role for chemical and bio-measurement delivering very high quality and impact metrological services
02 March 2017News - The Association of Public Analysts (APA) Educational Trust and the Government Chemist Programme in LGC organise an annual RSC-approved, fully residential week long postgraduate course on the analysis and examination of food and feed
16 February 2017News - Addresses growing demand by laboratories in need of a product to document calibration verification / linearity testing.
06 February 2017News - The research found that over-the-counter supplements are labelled as fully herbal but often include potentially dangerous pharmaceutical ingredients, which are not listed on the label
06 February 2017News - Michael Walker, of the Government Chemist Programme in LGC, delivered a keynote talk ‘Food detectives: what it takes to trace food fraud’
06 February 2017News - Acquisition establishes North American hub for LGC’s global PT operations
01 February 2017