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The NML at LGC announces a major development in reference materials for allergen quantification

News - Helping to ensure safer food for customers

10 February 2020
Meet NML Scientist, Heidi Goenaga-Infante ahead of International Women's Day 2020

Blog - Ahead of International Women’s Day on 8 March, we are pleased to share this interview with Heidi Goenaga-Infante, one of LGC’s Science Fellows and Team Leader of the Inorganic Analysis team within the National Measurement Laboratory (NML).

06 March 2020
LGC’s COVID-19 response

News - LGC, an international leader in the life sciences tools sector, is playing an active role in the global response to COVID-19

08 April 2020
LGC's NML team is supporting government efforts to measure COVID-19

News - Ensuring tests made around the world are standardised and based on accurate measurements

17 April 2020
COVID-19: How the National Measurement Laboratory supports standards to fight COVID19

Blog - This World Metrology Day, the National Measurement Laboratory at LGC celebrates the work of our metrologists during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

20 May 2020
New National Measurement System customer survey results published

News - The NMS is the nation’s technical infrastructure underpinning trade, industry and regulation, and plays a vital role in supporting innovation and growth in the UK and delivers services to underpin the certification of calibration.  

26 May 2020
NML at LGC joins more than 500 scientists in 18 countries to map COVID-19 effects and treatments in patients’ blood

News - Aims to refine testing approaches, stratify treatment options, determine isolation requirements and speed up measurement

28 May 2020
How does standardization protect the environment?

Blog - Through our development of manufacturing and reference materials, studies on standardization, and genomics work, we enable scientists to better understand the impact of human activities.

05 June 2020
New £1.3 million national research programme to evaluate coronavirus tests in hospitals, GP surgeries and care homes

News - Research programme brings together experts who are highly experienced in evaluating diagnostic tests and generating robust evidence required for a test to be used in the NHS

24 June 2020
The importance of standardisation of diagnostic measurements in the COVID-19 pandemic

Blog - Dr Jim Huggett, Principal Scientist at the NML at LGC, recently answered some of our questions around why standardised measurement is so important to medicine.

02 July 2020